The SNF RUN runners deserve our congratulations twice over. Congratulations! Congratulations!
First for taking part in the SNF RUN: Running into the Future evening race, but also for your generous donations to worthy charitable causes. These donations to the nonprofits KETHIS, PASKA, and PERPATO totaled €15,590, which will be tripled to €46,770 with a contribution from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation.
Specifically, the amounts donated to each organization following your designations are:
Τhe Therapeutic Riding Center of Serres – KETHIS: €12,669
The Hellenic Sports Club for Physically Disabled People (PΑSΚΑ): €12,510
The PERPATO Association for People with Mobility Problems and Friends, Prefecture of Rodopi: €21,591
Thank you, and see you next year!