Low at the Great Lawn Stage
The last "act" of Low's concert
A scene from the Medea performance directed by Yannis Skourletis
Snapshot from the performance of Medea at the GNO
The Chorus of the GNO and the Children's Chorus participated in the performance of Medea
The bow of the performers of Medea
Cretan vibes at the Canal Stage from Antonis Martsakis and Andonis Foniadakis
The exciting experience on stage from the collaboration of Antonis Martsakis and Andonis Foniadakis
Dancing to the rythms of Antonis Martsakis' and Andonis Foniadakis' performance
Akram Khan Company - Portrais in Otherness at the Alternative Stage of the GNO
A scene from the performance Portraits in Otherness
Snapshot from the excellent performance Portraits in Otherness
Children received stamps on their kids passports each time they participated in an activity
The impressive performance of Catu Diosis
The emerging dj Catu Diosis at the Canal Stage
Impressive play-card creations at the Nostos University workshops
Aiming Games for the young visitors
The young visitors tasted their abilities at aimming
The little acrobat moved the audience with his abilities
Courageous climbers at the SNFestival